Wu Shu 



Ostensibly, the history of Wushu dates back to 1949, when the Chinese government of the time began efforts to standardise the myriad of traditional martial arts styles. It was not the first time that attempts had been made to bring the non-centralised training of traditional Chinese fighting styles under one umbrella, but it was the first time that the effort was met with success. In 1958, the all-China Wushu Association was established to regulate the martial arts training.

By 1990, the International Wushu Federation was established as an internationally recognised authority for the promotion and practice of both the modern Wushu style, and the individual styles of traditional Chinese martial arts.


As an amalgam of various traditional arts, Wushu is an adaptable and well-rounded art that includes a focus on both performance and martial aspects.

Teaching weapon forms as well as bare-handed techniques, Wushu emphasises flexibility, speed, strength and precision. Practitioners are trained to effortlessly execute flawless techniques that strike a balance between form and function, and come together to create a dynamic and deadly dance of whirling fists, spinning kicks, and flashing blades.

At the Shuaimeng Liu Martial Arts Centre, we encourage competition and as such, extensively train in competitive forms, using the established points systems to judge and guide the progress of our students. Wushu competitive forms are drawn from a cross-section of traditional Chinese martial arts, and include punches, kicks, sweeps, jumps, and more.


Wushu training provides the practitioner with a broad appreciation for the Chinese martial arts, and promotes a deeper understanding of the applications and the histories of the arts from which it draws inspiration.

It also develops practical physical fitness, valuing flexibility, balance, quickness, and core strength.